RUGGED WEAR: RYAN SMITHDelivering slices bigger than your head, Benny Fierro’s & Benny Velino’s embodies the classic NYC by the slice style shop. Ryan Smith is...
RUGGED WEAR: CAM BROWNHe’s known as Cam Brown behind the coffee bar and BamCrown behind the lens. As a Barista and Photographer, he’s always finding ways to...
RUGGED WEAR: TAYLOR KACLIKAfter a 9 and a half year stretch in New York City, Taylor Kaclik has returned home. From building SCAPES with Anide Enomoto, to...
RUGGED WEAR: SETH HUNTERWith beautiful, hard-to-find historical gems and a very down to Earth attitude, Seth Hunter has delivered one of our favorite spots in...
RUGGED WEAR: THOMAS MCCLOSKEYOne of the hardest workers we know, Thomas McCloskey, is the archetype of Rugged Wear. Custom home builder and creator out of the South...